Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where to start?

a little bit about me  

  • I am from the one and only Chapel Hill, NC.
  • I have lived in Charleston, SC for about 4 and half years now...graduated from CofC in May of 2010 and now am a Talent Community Coordinator at CTS International (a description to come later)
  • My family is very close...probably sometimes too close.
  • I have two older sisters who could double as my other mothers.
  • I have a niece and two and a half nephews (one is currently in the womb)

  • I have a love/hate relationship with tennis. I have played since I was four years old. Started playing competitively when I was about 10 and even went on to play at the College of Charleston for two years. The hardest decision I have ever had to make to this day was to quit playing. I have never cried so hard over a decision that was all on me and I don't know if I ever will again. But the good thing is...after a two and a half year hiatus I am ready to play again. Bring it on USTA.
  • My relationship with my girlfriends from Chapel Hill is unlike any group of girls that I know. Most people have a group of three of four close friends. I have about ten. We have not lived in the same town for four years and I still can call them whenever I want to and it is like I just saw them yesterday. We often joke about how we all want to move back and live in the same cul-de-sac and raise our families. Honestly...nothing could make me happier.
  • The best time of the year is actually going on right as I type. The UNC/DOOK (yes...that is the correct way to spell it) game is this week and my group of friends is split down the middle. The shit talking is actually hilarious. In highschool we would all go out to lunch together...but refuse to sit with each other. Days like today really make me miss home. The sky is bright blue and all I want to be doing is to be at Brueggers glaring and talking shit about Sloan, Catherine, and Lindsy.  GO HEELS :)

  • That is all the time I have for now...I could go on forever but I guess that is what writing blogs is about. Just to talk about whatever is on your mind at that time. I will check back later. Peace out :)

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